DrakePM Sistemas de Controle LTDA Brazil
website: https://www.drakepm.com.br
Email 1: malves@drakepm.com.br
Email 2: vendas@drakepm.com.br
phone 1: +55 (19) 3731-7210
phone 2:
phone 3: +55 19 2119-5150
fax: +55 19 98245-0490
Rua Otavio Rosolen, 707- Jardim Terras de Santo Antonio
Sao Paulo
Center of Excelence | Application: APECS and DYNA Actuators | engine | Governor Service (AISF) | Power Generation | Steam | turbine
Product | Service: CPC-II | Recognized Engine Retrofitter | Recognized Turbine Retrofitter | Turbine AISF